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Military Travel Tricks 101
Welcome to Military Travel Tricks 101
About Us!
Military Travel Rewards Refresher- Free Webinar (39:18)
Accruing Points + Miles
Terms and Definitions (1:58)
Accruing Points + Miles Military (6:08)
Finances + Travel Rewards
Finances + Credit Cards (5:26)
Credit Scores + Travel Rewards (14:34)
Major Banks + Unwritten Rules (7:33)
Gearing Up For Success
Terms, Alliances, Accounts and Maximizing Spend (24:16)
Setting Up Free Reward Accounts (6:46)
Shopping Portals (5:26)
Planning Award Travel
Making a Plan- Domestic Booking Example (19:42)
Making a Plan- International Example (11:45)
Booking Your Trip
Calculating Redemptions + Finding Award Space (11:09)
Searching for Award Space (14:31)
Bank Portals + Transferring Points (21:08)
Get the most bang for your buck (or points!) (14:18)
Military Travel Benefits
Military Travel Benefits (20:36)
Thank you! (1:17)
Major Banks + Unwritten Rules
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